more than one造句的相关图片

more than one造句

下面围绕“more than one造句”主题解决网友的困惑

用more than one;no more then ;notmore than的造句

More than one 不止一个,很多造句:More than one person has made the suggestion.不止一人提过这个建议.no more than 只是;仅仅 造句:Each class has no more ...


More than one person was killed in the earthquake.不止一个人在那次地震中死去.

用more than超过造句

1 We know more than you do.我们比你知道的多。2 Some worth more than others.有些比其他的更值钱。3 More than one woman?需要的女人不只一个?4 More than I c...


You've fractured a rib, maybe more than one.你的一根肋骨断了,可能不止一根。Marx's work was more than a critical study of capitalist production.马克思的...


This island was ceded to Spain more than one hundred years ago.这个岛屿在一百多年以前就割让给西班牙了。While reading this book, I have pick up more than...

用more than造句10个(简单短小)

造句:1. She looks more beautiful than her elder sister.2. The old man walk much more slowly than his young son.

有关more than


用work on 造句

我们需要投入自己的时间和技艺在我们的工作上.2.16KB I missed the regular bus,so I had to go to work on foot.早上没赶上班车,没奈何只好步行去上班.3.You can ...


She is more beautiful than last time I saw her.

more/less 多音节形容词 than?

That girl is more beautiful than that one.This project is less important than the one you summit.This film is more wonderful than the one you watched y...

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